Thursday, April 23, 2015


Cards, dice, coins, spinners, and random number generators are different ways you can run a simulation. A simulation models what could happen in a given situation.

Our class was asked to predict how many boxes of cereal we would need to buy in order to get at least 6 toys.

My guess was 36 boxes of cereal because in a real life situation you repeat toys a lot. To test the situation the class was asked to use a random number generator and to use a graph to tally how many times we got each toy. Each toy had to happen at least once on the graph.

My results were that I had to buy 16 toys to get at least one of each. Then we were asked if each box cost $3.99 each how much money did we spent all together? The total amount of money I spent was $63.84.

Anbviously no one in the class had the same answer. So next we were asked if it was worth it just to get all six toys and the answer went both ways. For me personally it's not worth it because I could spend money on other healthier food choices other than cereal. One student on the other hand did think it was worth it because they didn't have to spend much and received close to six toys.

Lastly, this activity seemed very simple and easy to me to understand. In my test though I read a question wrong and got it wrong. I think I might need some more practice what do you think?All in all, this activity was fun and I hope I helped you to understand what this concept means and that you liked my blog. Have a great day!

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